Tuesday, January 31, 2017

New Zealand Adventure: Off to See Cory!

I had all of 10 days after arriving back home after Christmas to regroup and get ready for my New Zealand Adventure with Cory.... I was all packed and dropped of at the Salt Lake Airport on Sunday afternoon (the 8th), sitting waiting for my flight, when I got a text from the airline saying the flight had been cancelled. ARGH. I put my name on the standby list for the next flight out to San Francisco, that would've gotten me on my flight to Auckland, and, even though I was the 16th person on the list, I got withing TWO people of making that flight. Bummer. Lyssa came and picked me up and I was dropped off AGAIN the next day. The weather was nicer, and, as luck would have it, Cory's flight from Kuwait was also delayed a day due to fog...what are the odds?!!

Arriving in Auckland...YAY!

Waiting for Cory's flight from Dubai.......
....and waiting...

......STILL waiting......

...FINALLY!!! There he comes!

After we rented our car, we drove northwest to Piha Beach, which Cory had found in his guide book...(more about driving on the left later...). There was a national surfing competition going on.  It was just fun to be on the beach together.

Barnacle City!

Happy to be in a safe place....and TOGETHER!!

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