Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Christmas 2016

After our NH goodbyes, Mikey and I headed south to North Carolina We chose to drive at night to avoid the NYC/New Jersey traffic.  We passed through Washington D.C. at about 4am, and I showed Mike where the temple was:

Our timing was almost perfect! Alyssa's flight to Raleigh was landing just as we arrived at the airport. Then off to Sarah and Nicole's !

Breakfast at Waffle House!!!

Sarah had to work that day, but we took her to lunch during her break; and livened up her workplace with some goofing around while waiting for her....

We all went to see the new Star Wars movie that night...Mike was the only one who stayed awake during the whole movie....lol.  Next day: onward to El Paso!!

A Heart-wrenching farewell...ah, brotherly/sisterly love....

To steal Lyssa's comment: "Mike forgot to put weights in his shoes again and is floating away..."

The drive to El Paso took about 30 hours......

...most of it in Texas.....

These guys were pretty surprised when we showed up at their door!

The next day we all went to Emmy's violin recital:

And I got to hang out with this munchkin:

Jack flew in on Christmas Eve, and Grandma Allison flew down on Christmas Day.  It was a great holiday....and we got to Skype with this guy as well:

At the movies w/Grandma

We sang Happy Birthday to Jack: 20 years!!!

Finally, it was time to head home:  What a year!!

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