Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Farmy Stuff: Life at Crosswinds Farm

I can never thank Carl and Clarissa enough for inviting me into their home and daily life; they are amazing in how they juggle work, play, farm chores, and being a family. I loved watching the different people come and help them care for their animals.
Nancy comes to the farm often and works with Tipsy:

This was the blacksmith's truck:
Tipsy's getting new shoes!

Aren't they pretty?

I also watched the sheep shearing of C&C's flock (herd?...)

 It's amazing how fast they come running from the pasture when they see someone headed toward the barn.  By the time I got to the barn to feed them, they were all crowded around their pen gate:

One evening in October, Carl made a delicious ham salad dinner; as he pushed his plate back after the meal was finished, he said, "I'm gonna miss that ham..."  A couple of days later, the vegetable garden space had a small electric fence around it and a pigpen had been placed inside, and these two arrived at Crosswinds:

By the time I left in December, these two had tripled in size! Carl fed them with milk obtained next door, at the huge cow farm of his neighbor Nate.  Visiting that farm was like seeing a Hilton Hotel for cows: automated manure scrapers, large, rotating, vertical brushes that the cows would line up for to get a side/butt scratch, huge fans that kept the flies away during the summer heat, and incredible teat-seeking laser-based milking machines: (thought I had a video of that, but can't find it....)

Can't forget the chickens....

Did I mention that Carl and Clarissa do a LOT of fishing, as well?  No wonder they have FOUR freezers to store their home-grown protein!

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