Monday, January 23, 2017

Dartmouth Hitchcock,Hanover, and the Whippi Dip

I worked from August 1st to December 17th in the Neuro Special Care Unit (NSCU) of this beautiful hospital, and loved it. I learned a ton, and maybe I will be able to return and work here again, someday.

My night shift had ended and I was headed home. This is the view from my 5th floor unit on a misty autumn morning:

This is the same entrance in the middle of the night, during my lunch break, when I stroll the empty halls.

Spiral staircase.

Cool windowed ceiling.

More views from the 5th floor....

Hanover is the home of Dartmouth College...and the main village is very student oriented...and assumes, I assume, that the students are well-to-do, because it's a pricey little village.  It's fun to walk through and window shop...and I did end up doing just a teensy bit of shopping...

This is what my drive home through Hanover looks like:

This golf course is on the north side of town; sometimes with a line of white-capped, green-sweatered students teeing off...

The golf course is also adjacent to the schools...

In one of the "college stores (i.e. student paraphanalia), there was this: all kinds of scone mixes, which brings me to one of my favorite experiences:

The Whippi Dip!!!

The Incredible Baker!!!

Her scones are THE BESSSSSST!! Pumpkin/Cream Cheese...

....Poppy Seed/Lemon Icing.....

....Plum/Rhubarb Icing....

Yummy Fried Scallops w/Sweet Potato Fries....HEAVEN!

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