Tuesday, February 7, 2017

On The Road to Hokitika, Woodland Glen B&B, Hokitika Gorge, and an Interesting Dinner

This day we travelled southwest along Route 6 toward the western coastline and Greymouth: we passed through vineyards, farmlands, mountains and coastline all in one day, with a variety of weather to match.


Driving along the Buller River

Finally getting to the coast! The west coast of New Zealand is rocky and nice for walking but not really the best place for swimming.  

We finally made it to Hokitika (We had neglected to fill our gas tank before heading through the western mountains, and barely made it to Greymouth coasting on fumes, lol). This is Woodland Glen B&B, run by Laurie (male) Anderson, a local pilot. He was very pleasant, and the place was very comfortable.  He was helpful with travelling plans with regard to planning activities around the weather, etc.

Once we had taken all of our things into the B&B, we set off on a little side adventure before dinner, to the Hokitika River Gorge.

We were met by this very tame bird in the carpark:

You can see the swinging bridge we'll be walking over....

The glacier run-off made the water a beautiful color, and icy cold!

After that side-trip, we drove into town for some dinner.

On most of the menus we saw was an appetizer option of "Bread and Dips".  This restaurant had 3 different kinds of bread and 3 different dips---yummy!
Cory had his fish and chips....
...while I got daring and got this glamourous-looking plate:
Lox, cold oysters, calimari and scallops!

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