Sunday, February 19, 2017

Driving Creek Railway and Pottery/ Along the 390

We were wise to take the beach day yesterday, because
today the weather went back to cool and cloudy; but Cory and I had so much fun, whatever the weather!

It's amazing what you see on some people's lawns:

Today we explored the Driving Creek Railway and Pottery. It was originally begun/built in 1975 by potter Barry Brickell as a way to transport clay from his land.  He eventually also used his property to reseed the country with native plants.

This is a cool retaining wall built of glass bottles:

A fabulous view of the island-studded Hauraki Gulf:

Standing atop the "Eyefull Tower" (Get it?)

All I could say, was "buttcrack">

After that adventure, we began to cross to the other side of the penninsula using route was an interesting drive to say the least!

,,,what the....???

Further along, we saw this: 
...and then this:

Cory is adoring a kauri tree xoxoxo:

More chicken wire! Wahoo!

A walk through a Kauri tree preserve--they were big and beautiful!

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