Friday, August 12, 2016

Random Stuff

The Antelope Island Fire:
So a couple of nights before I left, Jack and I were heading out to the movies to see Star Trek, and as we headed west on Parrish Lane, we saw Antelope Island burning: Over 13,000 acres were ultimately consumed in flames. It was an awesome (using this word in its true context) sight.

...And a random photo of the moon that night above out house....

Bachelor's Degree In Science--YAY!
I spent the last year completing my BSN online through Weber---people would ask me: "So is getting this degree advancement going to make you more money?" And I would shrug my shoulders. All I know is that I felt like it was the next thing to do. So I did it. What I do know is that after I was finished, I felt more prepared to take on new things, which led me to try travel nursing (more on that later).

Steely Dan Concert 2016
Nancy and I went to see Steely Dan at the Usana Ampitheater out in the west usual, they did not disappoint!

More Stuff
Cool facial mask from the Asian Market

Cory brought these back from his latest reserve trip to Ramstein; yodel-ay-hee-hooooo!!

My clothes hog husband has a lot of ties, so we found a fun way to hang them.

 Hanging Out With Ramona (Grandma/Mom)

This Is What Happens When I Leave My Phone Unlocked and Unattended......

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